The #1 Private Equity Contact Database
With over 1,200 hedge fund listings, try the most complete and up-to-date PE database on the market.
1,200 Private Equity Funds, 25 Categories of Information: All Sortable
Our US Private equity database is delivered in Excel format, making it easy to sort, filter and search all 1,200+ listings. And 12 months of updates are included absolutely free so you know you are getting the most up-to-date information.

PE Company Listings
Categories of Info
Hours of Development
Mo. Free Updates
No PE Database is Easier to Use
Simply complete your purchase and you will instantly receive a download link. Open the file in Excel or any spreadsheet program and immediately begin filtering and sorting the information relevant to you.
Top Features
- Firm Name
- Address
- Phone
- Fax
- Website
- Main Company Email
- Employment/Careers Email
- Up to 4 Executive Contacts w/ Position and Email
- Assets Under Management (AUM)
- # of Employees
- Year Founded
- Fund Type
- Fund Strategies
- Delivered in Excel Format (.xls)
- Mac and PC
- Most Tablets and Smartphones with a Spreadsheet App
- Excel, Open Office, Google Docs etc.
- Most Contact Management Software Including Outlook, SalesForce, SyPro etc.
- 12 Months of Free Updates
- Every 30-60 Days You will Receive a Link to an Updated List
- Updates Include New Launches, Updated AUM, New Contact Info and More
- You will Never be Charged for Updates
Why Choose Us
- 25 categories of information on over 1,200 private equity firms
- Easily search, sort and filter with Excel
- Quickly create brilliant charts and graphs
- Fully compatible with Mac and PC
- Instant download